Домашня сторінка
Школа англійської Дарії Дзюби
Автор: Дарія Дзюба
Поставте питання до цих речень, використовуючи одне із двох запитальних слів, що представлені Вам на вибір. Наприклад:
What/When: What have you done? - I have done my homework.
How/Where: Where has she been? - She has been at work
1. What/Where
He has drunk a coffee.
2. What/Where
He has gone home.
3. What/When
She has bought a new phone.
4. What/Who
They have called their boss.
5. What/Where
She has got a new message.
6. What/How long
He has worked there for 5 years.
7. Where/When
He has been to New York.
8. What/Who
He has spoken to his friend.
9. What/When
I have done the laundry.
10. What/How
We have brushed our teeth.
Домашня сторінка