Les étudiants et les entreprises qui ont étudié l'anglais avec moi sont satisfaits des résultats et de la qualité de l’enseignement. Qu’est-ce qu'ils disent de nos cours d'anglais? Lisez leurs commentaires ici. Cette rubrique sera constamment mise à jour, il y aura de plus en plus de commentaires des apprenants et des entreprises qui choisissent d'apprendre l'anglais avec moi. Actuellement, vous pouvez trouvez leurs commentaires dans les catégories suivantes: • apprendre l'anglais en groupes • apprendre l'anglais en entreprise • apprendre l'anglais par Skype. Pour commencer à apprendre l'anglais avec moi ou me poser une question, veuillez me contactez au +14389364667 ou
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«August 4th 2014 To whom it may concern:
I had English lesson with Ms Dariya Dziuba from April to July 2014 for a total of 30 hours, divided into 20 lessons of 1,5 hours each.
I was classified as an intermediate-advanced student, and I wished to improve my English speaking and writing for business purposes. My general appreciation is excellent and some specific aspects I want to highlight are: The flexibility and availability such private courses offered and, by the way, Ms Dariya was able to accommodate She found the way to adapt and adjust the lessons depending on my needs for business purposes, and also to my learning difficulties. She structured the process and the content of each lesson in a way that I had to talk and read a lot and she took the time, with patience and a high level of respect, to help me with my pronunciation, intonation, verbs tense, etc. She also introduced a lot of real cases simulations which have dynamized our exchanges, and many of those have been really useful at work. She was able to establish a very helpful, pleasant and professional relationship.
In a few words I do not hesitate to recommend Ms Dariya as a professional English teacher.
Best regards A. Chamberland»
«Montreal, 14. January 2014 To whom it may concern,
This letter of recommendation is to confirm that Ms. Dariia Dziuba taught at Bouchereau Lingua International in December 2013/January 2013 for 80 hours in total as a freelance teacher of English as a Second Language.
Ms. Dziuba taught general English in our in-school immersion program, covering a variety of different levels and cultures. These particular ESL classes require special dedication on the part of the teacher, who would concentrate on the group's needs, in which Ms. Dziuba excelled. Ms. Dziuba was responsible for the support of her students throughout their learning capacities and abilities, she is able to adjust her classes so that her students evolve and progress rapidly in their learning.
She has proven to be very professional, organized and creative, and an overall dynamic and engaging teacher. Her students were very satisfied with her teaching methods. I believe that Ms. Dziuba's great attention to detail, patience, compassion and care for each individual's learning success will be of great aid to her successfully advancing in her career.
I strongly believe that Ms. Dziuba would be an ideal candidate for any relevant program and I personally wish her all the best in her future career.
Sincerely, Dina Szathmary Academic Coordinator Bouchereau Lingua International»
Voudriez-vous apprendre l’anglais avec moi? • Passez un test pour savoir votre niveau d’anglais. • Contactez-moi au +14389364667 ou
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et indiquez: 1. votre niveau d’anglais; 2. type de cours sollicité (l’anglais général, des affaires ou autre); 3. toutes vos disponibilités (jours et heures); 4. proposition d’une date du cours d’essai; 5. le pays et la ville où vous habitez (j’en ai besoin pour établir votre fuseau horaire). Je vous contacterai dès que possible. Veuillez noter que les cours en entreprise et pour particuliers se déroulent à Montréal, au Canada. Si vous habitez une autre ville seuls les cours par skype sont possibles. • Commencez à apprendre l’anglais au moment qui vous convient après le cours d’essai et le paiement.
Bonne chance dans vos études! 