My school (Моя школа) Автор: Татьяна Франковская Almost every teenager tells that he hates his/her school; that he/she would like to burn it down or to blow it up. But it is not about me. I like my school very much and I go to school with great pleasure and with a smiling face. I like my teachers and classmates. But let’s talk about it in details. My school is located in the centre of my town. I live far from it and I have to go there by bus every morning. In front of the school you can find a lot of trees, bushes and flowerbeds. Behind the school there is a playground and a football pitch. The building of my school has four floors: one of them is underground. There is a cloakroom on this floor where schoolchildren can leave their jackets and coats. Also there is a workshop for boys and a craft classroom for girls. On the ground floor there is a gym and two locker rooms: for boys and for girls. Also there you can find an office of a school nurse. This floor is equipped for primary pupils. Sometimes it is even impossible to move through this floor because small children are all around you running and jumping like insects. But nevertheless at least once or twice a day you have to be on this floor. There are WCs and a school canteen there. On the first floor there is a headmaster’s office and a teacher’s room. Also there are different classrooms for junior and senior pupils on this floor. On the second floor you can find our school library and a museum of our school. In our library you can get any book you want. Our librarian is very friendly and is always ready to help you. In our museum you’ll be told about the foundation of the school and the people who made it prosperous. Almost all the classrooms are supplied with modern equipment. Almost every week we have some kind of activities: contests, exhibitions, sports competitions, concerts, scientific conferences etc. My school is one of the best in my town. Many pupils of my school are famous not only in our country but also abroad. I am glad that I am a pupil of this very school and I am really proud of this fact.
Список слов к топику на тему «Моя школа» ("My school") на английском языке: • burn down – сжигать • blow up – взрывать • flowerbed – цветочная клумба • playground – игровая площадка • football pitch – футбольная площадка • cloakroom – гардероб • workshop – мастерская • craft classroom – кабинет рукоделия • gym – спортзал • locker room – раздевалка • school nurse – школьная медсестра • primary pupils – ученики начальных классов • insects – насекомые • school canteen – школьная столовая • headmaster – директор школы • rest-room for teachers – учительская • junior pupils – ученики средней школы • senior pupils – ученики выпускных классов • library – библиотека • librarian – библиотекарь • prosperous – процветающий • supplied – оснащенный • modern equipment – современное оборудование • contest – соревнование • exhibition – выставка • scientific conference – научная конференция
Грамматика, которая будет полезной для топика «Моя школа» ("My school") на английском языке: Present Simple. Вы можете почитать необходимые темы по английской грамматике по этой ссылке.
Эти вопросы пригодятся Вам, если Вы захотите сами составить топик (тему) по английскому языку на тему «Моя школа» (“My school”): 1. Where’s your school located? 2. How does your school look? 3. How many floors are there in your school and what is located on them? 4. How do the classrooms of the school look? 5. What can you tell about the school gym and the school canteen. 6. What is your attitude to the school?
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