My home town (Мой родной город) Автор: Татьяна Франковская I was born in a small town where my granny lived. But a few years later my parents decided to move to another place because they got jobs there. So, now I live in a wonderful town of Kamenets-Podolskyi, which is located in Khmelnitsky region and is very famous among Ukrainians. The population of the town is approximately 120,000 inhabitants. The town is divided into several parts but the main division may be as follows: the new town and the old town. All the historical monuments, memorials and museums are concentrated in the old town where you can meet tourists from all over the world. Different concerts and international festivals are held here. However, the main tourist attraction is the large fortress, which, according to the historical records, was founded in the 11th century as a defensive fort by Cossacks. This fortress has become a great tourist attraction of my town. The new part of the town is quite modern and busy. The streets are full of people; the roads are full of cars as in any other town or city. It is the place where you can easily find lots of cafes, restaurants and hotels. In general, the town is highly industrially developed. There are a lot of plants and factories. At the same time it is a student town due to many educational establishments and schools. In addition, if you like to do outdoor activities or relax in the nature, there are a lot of parks and gardens, which, by the way, make the town look green and fresh. I am sure that people of ages can find what to do in Kamenets-Podilskyi because there is a lot of entertainment there, which varies from disco clubs and cinemas to art galleries and libraries. This is the town of contrasts where the past is tightly connected with the present. I am really glad that I am its citizen.
Список слов к топику «Мой родной город» (“My home town”) на английском языке: • decide – решать • move - переезжать • wonderful – чудесный, прекрасный • be located - находиться • population - население • approximately - приблизительно • inhabitant - житель • divide into – разделять на • several parts – несколько частей • historical monument – исторический памятник • memorial - мемориал • museum - музей • concentrate - сосредотачиваться • tourist attraction – туристическая достопримечательность • fortress - крепость • according to – согласно с • historical records – исторические записи • defensive fort – защитный форт • surround - окружать • modern - современный • busy – занятый, деловой • highly developed – сильно (высоко) развитый • plants - заводы • factories - фабрики • educational establishments – образовательные учреждения • outdoor activities – мероприятия на свежем воздухе • relax in the nature – отдыхать на природе • entertainment – развлечения • disco club - дискотека • cinema - кинотеатр • art gallery – галерея искусств • library - библиотека • citizen - житель
Грамматика, которая будет полезной для топика «Мой родной город» (“My home town”) на английском языке: Present Simple, there is/ there are. Вы можете почитать необходимые темы по английской грамматике по этой ссылке.
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