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My future career (Моя майбутня кар’єра/ професія) Автор: Тетяна Франковська I am a school-leaver and this year I am finishing school. When you leave school, you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It is not an easy task to choose the right job for you. There are a lot of different professions and it is really hard to choose the one, which would be interesting for you and will help you earn your living. Generally, I think that choosing the right job is the main question not only for a school-leaver, but also for all the family. Though I understand that parents can help their children make the right choice, I guess it is much wiser to look at what interests you personally and only then try to find something that might suit your interests and your personality using your parents' advice. As a child I liked to gather with my friends at my place and we imagined that we were at school. I was a teacher and my friends were pupils. All my mother’s recipe books were turned into school registers; all the furniture was used as blackboards where I drew with chalk. As a result, I was punished but I still didn’t change my dream to connect my future profession with children. Now I have already decided what to do. I would like to become a teacher. In my opinion, to be a teacher is not an easy task because you need not only to love children, but you also should have an ability to explain things clearly, know your subject profoundly and be an all around person. Though this is not the easiest task, I am sure that I have got almost all necessary qualities to become a really good teacher. Nowadays it is very important to know a foreign language, especially English. More and more people need qualified teachers to teach them today. I understand that this profession is greatly demanded and that is why I would like to become an English teacher. This year I am going to enter the department of foreign languages at the local University. To get an education of a teacher it is not the only thing one needs to become a real teacher. Good teachers continue learning their subject all their career to be able to answer any questions that might arise. They should be an example of competence for their pupils. Our life is too short and that is why I cannot afford to waste my time on a job, which I am not going to enjoy. I hope that I will never regret choosing the career path of a teacher.
Список слів до топіку на тему «Моя майбутня професія» (“My future career”) англійською мовою: • school-leaver – випускник • earn your living – заробляти на життя • imaginе - уявляти • school register – шкільний журнал • punish – карати • connect one’s future profession with – пов’язати свою майбутню професію • ability to explain – вміння пояснювати • profoundly – поглиблено • be greatly demanded – мати великий попит • department of foreign languages – факультет іноземних мов • an example of competence – приклад компетентності • regret – жаліти
Граматика, яка буде корисною для топіку «Моя майбутня професія» (“My future career”) англійською мовою: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, would like, be going to. Ви можете почитати необхідні теми з англійської граматики за цим посиланням.
Ці питання стануть Вам у нагоді, якщо Ви захочете самі скласти топік (тему) з англійської мови на тему «Моя майбутня професія» (“My future career”): 1. What do you dream to become? 2. Why have you made that choice? 3. What establishment are you going to enter to master the profession? 4. What qualities do you need to possess in order to get the profession your dream of? 5. Is the profession of your dream highly paid?
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