My weekend (Мої вихідні) Автор: Тетяна Франковська Every person whether an adult or a teenager cannot work all the time and needs to have a rest. Usually all the people have a little rest during their weekends. I am not an exception. I really enjoy relaxing and having fun with my friends. Starting from Wednesday I begin to look forward to the weekends. My weekends usually start on Friday afternoon. I come back from school, throw my bag into the corner and go to meet my friends. I haven’t seen them for five days, so I missed them very much.
On Friday we usually go to the city centre. We go to a pizzeria or a café, and then we go to the cinema and watch there a new film. We usually like to watch comedies. But sometimes we go bowling. I like bowling very much and I especially live those colourful bowling shoes and when I score points by bowling strikes. On Saturday mornings and afternoons I usually help my mother about the house. My mother usually cooks and I clean our flat. I dust, vacuum the carpets, water the plants and wash the clothes. Saturday evenings I like to spend in a company of my best friend Helen. We can go for a walk in the park or stay at home. We like playing table games such as Monopoly or scrabble. Also we like watching films. Sometimes we can organize a pyjama-party with some other friends. On Sunday I usually sleep till midday. I can play computer games, surf the Internet or look through the fresh press. Then I get ready for the coming Monday. I do my home tasks, pack my bag, and iron my clothes. The rest of the day I spend with my family. It has become our tradition to have family dinner on Sundays. So, I have enough emotions after the weekend to spend the working week energetically.
Список слів до топіку на тему «Мої вихідні» ("My weekend") англійською мовою: • adult – дорослий • exception – виняток • to look forward – чекати з нетерпінням • go bowling – піти на боулінг • bowling shoes – взуття для боулінга • score points – набирати очки • striking – вибивати усі кеглі одним ударом • dust – витирати пил • vacuum the carpets – пилососити килими • scrabble – «Скреббл», настільна гра у слова • pyjama-party – пижамная вечеринка • surf the Internet – «лазити» по Інтернету • look through - проглядати • iron – прасувати
Граматика, яка буде корисною для топіку «Мої вихідні» ("My weekend") англійською мовою: Present Simple. Ви можете почитати необхідні теми з англійської граматики за цим посиланням.
Ці питання стануть Вам у нагоді, якщо Ви захочете самі скласти топік (тему) з англійської мови на тему «Мої вихідні» (“My weekend”): 1. Are you glad when weekends come? 2. When do you usually start your weekends? 3. What do you usually do on Friday evening? 4. What do you usually do on Saturday? 5. What do you usually do on Sunday?
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