My working day (Мій робочий день) Автор: Тетяна Франковська I am sure that every person prefers weekends to working days, but working days are inevitable in our life. I have my working days from Monday to Friday.
My typical working day starts with the mad sound of my alarm clock. It is very difficult for me to get up and it takes me a lot of time and effort. I can even set my alarm-clock to go off 15 minutes earlier the time I have to get up. So, I try to get up at 7 o’clock. Then, when I have at last woken up, I go to the bathroom. I have a shower, wash my face and brush my teeth there. Then I go to the kitchen. My mother is an early-bird and I know that breakfast is already on the table. I usually have a cup of tea with a sandwich or biscuits for breakfast. After breakfast I go back to my room and get dressed. There is a rule in my school that all the children must wear a school uniform. So, I never have a problem with my clothes for school. I usually get to school by bus but sometimes when my father is in a good mood he drives me there. My classes start at 8.30. I normally have 6 or 7 lessons a day. All the lessons are conducted in different classrooms. We have 10-minute breaks after each class and two 20-minute breaks after the third and the fourth lessons. I spend the breaks relaxing with my friends in a school yard or having lunch in a school canteen. My lessons usually finish at 3 o’clock. After classes I do after-school activities. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I go to a dance school. The classes start at 4 o’clock and go on till 6 o’clock there. After the dance-school I go home very tired but happy. At home I have dinner and do my homework. As I am a school-leaver I have to study very hard and it takes me very much time to get ready for the school classes. Sometimes it happens that I go to bed at midnight or even later totally exhausted. After such working days I sleep like a log. But the sun rises, a new day comes and you have to get up, to wash, get dressed and go to school again.
Список слів до топіку на тему «Мій робочий день» ("My working day") англійською мовою: • prefers – віддавати перевагу • inevitable - неминучий • typical - типовий • alarm clock - будильник • biscuits - печиво • good mood – гарний настрій • conduct – проводити (урок) • school canteen – шкільна столова • after-school activities – позакласна діяльність • school-leaver – учень випускного класу • midnight - північ • totally exhausted – повністю виснажений • sleep like a log – спати мертвим сном
Граматика, яка буде корисною для топіку «Мій робочий день» ("My working day") англійською мовою: Present Simple. Ви можете почитати необхідні теми з англійської граматики за цим посиланням.
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